Cymru'r Gyfraith Legal Wales

Legal Wales is a unique forum which convenes all the elements of the Welsh legal community in Wales and beyond in a spirit of "cymmrodoriaeth". We do this through organising our annual Legal Wales Conferences, initiatives to open pathways for a career in the law to everyone with the ability and aptitude become a good lawyer and other special events.

This website explains how you can keep in touch with Legal Wales to receive news of our events, become involved in Legal Wales’ initiatives and how Legal Wales is administered.

Other pages describe the distinct history of the law in Wales and its contributions to the common law, and links to other legal societies and bodies represented on the Council of the Legal Wales Foundation.

The archive section contains a selection of keynote addresses and speeches at Legal Wales Conferences and other events, some of which are also illustrated in the Gallery pages, and policy submissions by Legal Wales.

Legal Wales would like to acknowledge the support and assistance of the following in connection with this website:

Geldards Logo

Geldards Law Firm

Wales & Chester Circuit Logo

Wales & Chester Circuit

Jesus College Logo

Jesus College

Gray's Inn Logo

Gray's Inn

National Library of Wales Logo

National Library of Wales

Lloyd George Museum Logo

Lloyd George Museum

The Law Society Logo

The Law Society